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    Idea Freddo in support of Moderna vaccine logistics

    We are proud to share with our network of peers our contribution to the logistic management of the Moderna Vaccine in Italy. Yesterday, in fact, the first packs of Moderna Vaccines reached the Military Base of Pratica Di Mare (Rome, Italy) and the palletized product was safely stored in our IDEA FREDDO mobile cold stores. IDEA FREDDO is a Sogese’s trademark that groups all the activities concerning the sale and rental of mobile refrigerated containers for storage purposes, hence for the preservation of thermo sensitive goods and materials. IDEA FREDDO is not only a simple cold room as, beyond the refrigerated containers, there’s a whole organization of technicians and engineers committed to provide immediate assistance in case of need, performances, IT networks and devices for remote control and check, alarms delivering notifications on smartphones and tablets, technical support H24 7/7 and guidance for the best technical and financial solution.

    IDEA FREDDO is not simply a product but an entire innovative corporate culture committed to provide value for the customer through the max protection of its most valuable assets, its products and its market reputation.

    Click here for ANSA reportage -> https://www.ansa.it/sito/videogallery/italia/2021/01/31/covid-vaccino-consegnate-le-prime-dosi-moderna-a-pratica-di-mare_9d610fc9-e401-4043-b7c3-62b8197a109a.html

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    SOGESE S.r.l's staff is always available to listen to your questions and give you informations.

    Contact us now for more details about our products and our tailormade solutions.

      SO.GE.SE. S.r.l. - VAT Num: 00621940493

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